Sunday, August 8, 2010

Catching Up

Hello all! It has been way too long since i have shared so i will try to catch up. We finally got moved to Wyoming which is great! Its so nice to finally be together everyday and to not have a husband that travels it just didn't work for us, although we do miss our friends and family. We are currently buying a house and now we are just in the waiting process of closing and all that fun stuff!! I can't wait to get moved and setteled in. I really can't wait to have my own house again! Once we get moved i plan to find myself a part time job just to get out i get too stir crazy staying home.

Over our anniversary we took a trip to Fort Collins and had such a great trip! We went to see a concert but did some other cool things too. We also did our usual camping trip in july! The nieces and nephews came up to play and it was a blast. It was so good to spend time with them since we dont see them as much anymore. I plan to post pictures once i have high speed internet it takes to long to post pictures on crampy internet! Another benefit to moving! I think that pretty much sums it up!